What that tiny hole by your iPhone camera is actually for

We bet you’ve noticed it before. And we bet you’re having a quick squizz at it right now. Yup?

But what IS that teeny hole for between the camera and the flash on your iPhone? Anti red-eye? Anti blur? Anti dodgy selfie? (Now, we know it’s not that.)

Well finally, the secret has been revealed – and it might surprise you. That little hole isn’t actually anything to do with the camera, it is a teeny, tiny microphone.

Before you go into meltdown, thinking secret spies have been eavesdropping on all those important calls to your bestie about Love Island, it is actually there to help.

The little mic has been positioned on the back of your iPhone to help improve the overall quality when using apps such as FaceTime. The designers at Apple thought people might hold their phone in a slightly obscure way when showing callers their #fromwhereistand view, so they added it in to boost things up a bit.

Nifty, right?

This mic is one of three and has been on all iPhones since the 5S model was introduced, but it is only now that people are finally discovering what it is for.

Every day’s a school day, right?

Now, as you were. You may now call your bestie to discuss Chris, Liv and Muggy Mike knowing MI5 aren’t listening in. Phew.

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