The Future of Content Marketing Infused with Artificial Intelligence

One of the terms that we seem to be hearing about a lot these days is AI (Artificial intelligence).

Artificial intelligence has already influenced the world on a vast scale, especially in areas like gaming, marketing, interior design, healthcare, and finance.

The revenues gained from the use of AI in technology is massive, and this is evident from how little things like even the smartphone apps are changing. These advancements show us the type and scale of technology we can look forward to in the future.

Here’s forecasted cumulative global artificial intelligence revenue by 2025, based on different industries.

The Future of AI

Image Source: Statista

In regards to AI in marketing, it’s evident that it’s currently at an infant stage, and hence we’re just beginning to see artificial intelligence being used in content marketing.

Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines which in contrast is to mimic the natural intelligence displayed by humans. When used together in unison, it is thought that AI can boost human knowledge and capabilities, at least stretch the limits of a human brain. Some of the benefits of AI that marketers can take advantage of is automated processes, market research, personalized content, synchronization of social media, improved data collection and management.

Let’s take a look at how AI will further innovate the content marketing field.

But first, let’s determine what content marketing is and explore different formats. Content marketing is an act of promoting and distributing valuable and relevant content that informs and educates the audience. In this day and age, content may come in many different formats.

Here’re some common forms of content (and tools to help create each one – in case you’re wondering).

  • Blog Posts & Articles – the standard form of text content
  • Infographics – a typical kind of visualizing information. Tools live Canva allows you to create these easily.
  • Interactive Charts & Visualised Data – turning boring data and figures into engaging content. Tools like Infogram, Tableau, and ChartBlocks can help.
  • Slides – turning text and images into presentations. Use tools like PoweredTemplate to create presentations quickly and efficiently.
  • Video – more than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube daily. Tools like PowToon enable to create animated videos.

One of the primary functions of AI in digital marketing is the ability to analyze large data sets and incorporate them into something useful for marketers.

The use of AI and its integration into businesses is only getting better, and because it can quickly segment data, it can help companies better understand the more delicate details of their audience, giving them more clarity on how to market better. AI enables businesses to create content that caters to their audience across different means and platforms.

AI can also offer the ability for faster optimization of content. AI can help customers get straight to the information that it knows they would be more interested in, which is done by utilizing content personalization by learning how a particular user behaves.

For instance, if someone owns a travel website, AI can enable the owner to personalize the homepage based on an individual’s search habits and history. If someone is searching for vacations in Spain and Italy 80% of the time, it sure means that if AI can personalize the page to show great deals for these two countries, the viewer is much more likely to convert.

This is how AI can help with faster content optimization and not waste your audience’s time or deter them away from the site if they can not find what they are looking for, hence filtering and giving the audience better access.

AI also has the potential to change and transform content creation strategies. Companies like Yahoo have already experienced the use of robots which are capable of generating pieces of content in an enormous quantity that is correct and interesting.

AI will also not only aid in scanning key phrases through search engines, but it will also develop the ability for visual search capabilities based on specific images that a user might research online. This new development could pave the way for more creative approaches behind outreach strategies from content marketers.

AI offers Security and Privacy for marketing. Because there were 1.2 billion data breaches in the U.S. alone in 2018, AI can definitely help when it comes to security.

Data Breaches

Image Source: Statista

A simple user ID and password combination used to work for security; however, these credentials may no longer assure the safety of data.

AI can help by identifying threats faster, and with a secure overview of the risks involved, the technology will be able to carry out a systematic examination of data that is available from previous cyber-attacks and other distinct sources in order to prevent and eliminate any future threats.

It is thought that AI will not only change or automate certain activities connected to content marketing but will also change how marketing channels work in the future and what skill sets will be needed to flourish in the near future. Social media platforms such as Facebook or online marketplace platforms like Amazon depend on user-contributed content to drive conversions and traffic to their website.

This opens the door for AI, where marketers can better ensure the targeted delivery of their content to satisfy the demand that flows through both large and small platforms. The technology of AI will take content marketing further than we have ever imagined. The ability to create specific content for the target audience will add an immense amount of value.

Businesses will be given the opportunity to rise above current positions they hold and interact with their market with more fluidity. Because of the advantage that AI can provide, it’s not a surprise that the concept has taken off and will further progress in the coming future.

The technology itself will help marketers make better decisions and ensure their audience is having the best user experience when interacting with their content. It will help marketers make sense of the information they have in front of them at a deeper level providing them with the ability to boost their business forward.

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